Instructional Coordinator Career Description

educational instructional


Instructional coordinators oversee school curriculums and teaching standards. They develop instructional material, implement it, and assess its effectiveness.

What they do

Instructional coordinators typically do the following:

  • Develop and implement the curriculums
  • Plan, organize, and conduct teacher training, conferences, or workshops
  • Analyze students' test data
  • Assess and discuss the curriculum standards with school staff
  • Review and suggest textbooks and other educational materials
  • Recommend teaching techniques and the use of different or new technologies
  • Develop procedures for teachers to implement a curriculum
  • Train teachers and other instructional staff in new content or programs
  • Mentor or coach teachers to improve their skills

Instructional coordinators, also known as curriculum specialists, evaluate the effectiveness of curriculums and teaching techniques established by school boards, states, or federal regulations. They observe teachers in the classroom, review student test data, and discuss the curriculum with the school staff. Based on their research, they may recommend changes in curriculums to the school board.

Instructional coordinators may conduct training for teachers related to teaching or technology. For example, instructional coordinators explain new learning standards to teachers and demonstrate effective teaching methods to achieve them.

Instructional coordinators may specialize in particular grade levels or specific subjects. Those in elementary and secondary schools may focus on programs such as special education or English as a second language.

Work Environment

Most instructional coordinators work in elementary and secondary schools, colleges, professional schools, or educational support services or for state and local governments. They typically work year-round.

How to become an Instructional Coordinator

Instructional coordinators need a master’s degree and related work experience, such as teaching or in school administration. Coordinators in public schools may be required to have a state-issued license.

Instructional coordinators in public schools are required to have a master’s degree in education or curriculum and instruction. Some instructional coordinators need a degree in a specialized field, such as math or history.

Master’s degree programs in curriculum and instruction teach about curriculum design, instructional theory, and collecting and analyzing data. To enter these programs, candidates usually need a bachelor’s degree in education.

Instructional coordinators in public schools may be required to have a license, such as a teaching license or an education administrator license. For information about teaching licenses, see the profiles on kindergarten and elementary school teachers, middle school teachers, and high school teachers. For information about education administrator licenses, see the profile on elementary, middle, and high school principals. Check with your state’s Board of Education for specific license requirements.


The median annual wage for instructional coordinators was $66,290 in May 2019. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $38,260, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $103,790.

Job Outlook

Employment of instructional coordinators is projected to grow 6 percent from 2019 to 2029, faster than the average for all occupations.

States and school districts will continue to be held accountable for test scores and graduation rates, putting more of an emphasis on student achievement data. Schools may increasingly turn to instructional coordinators to develop better curriculums and improve teachers’ effectiveness. The training that instructional coordinators provide for teachers in curriculum changes and teaching techniques should help schools meet their standards in student achievement. As schools seek additional training for teachers, demand for instructional coordinators is projected to grow.

Similar Job Titles

Curriculum and Assessment Director, Curriculum and Instruction Director, Curriculum Coordinator, Curriculum Director, Curriculum Specialist, Education Specialist, Instructional Coach, Instructional Systems Specialist, Program Administrator, School Standards Coach

Related Occupations

Education Administrator-Elementary and Secondary School, Education Administrator-Postsecondary, Communications Teachers-Postsecondary, Home Economics Teachers-Postsecondary, Recreation and Fitness Studies Teachers-Postsecondary

More Information

The trade associations listed below represent organizations made up of people (members) who work and promote advancement in the field.  Members are very interested in telling others about their work and about careers in those areas.  As well, trade associations provide opportunities for organizational networking and learning more about the field’s trends and directions.

Magazines and Publications

The Learning Professional


Our Children Magazine (PTA)

EdTech Magazine

Education Week

Study Magazine

Video Transcript

Shaping a student’s education begins with a plan. What subjects will be taught? How will teachers communicate concepts and structure lessons? What measures will demonstrate that students have learned? Instructional coordinators oversee the answers to these questions, as they plan school curriculum and teaching standards. School boards, states, and federal regulations establish educational plans and teaching techniques for schools to put into practice. Instructional coordinators lead the effort to turn those plans into reality for each teacher, in every classroom. Instructional coordinators visit schools in their district to teach classes, observe teachers, and meet with principals to assess the effectiveness of curriculum. They train teachers on new methods, such as incorporating technology into lesson planning. When a district receives new standards, instructional coordinators ensure that teachers understand the new standards and how to achieve them. Some specialize in particular grade levels or subjects, special education, or English Language Learner programs. Instructional coordinators generally work full time, year-round. They spend most of their time in offices, and may do site visits. Most work in K-12 schools, colleges, government, and educational support services. Instructional coordinators need a master’s degree, usually in curriculum and instruction or education, along with several years of related work experience, such as teaching or school administration. Coordinators in public schools may need a state-issued license, such as a teaching license or an education administrator license.

Content retrieved from: US Bureau of Labor Statistics-OOH httpss://,
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