Career Resources for Black/African Americans
Black/African American Professional Associations by Industry
Professional associations are groups of professionals dedicated to topics in specific fields. Professional associations provide a wealth of online resources, some of which are geared specifically towards students. These organizations typically also host conferences and events, providing great opportunities for learning and networking across your field of interest.
Arts and Entertainment
- National Association of Black Female Executives in Music & Entertainment (NABFEME) empowers women of color in recorded music, sports, media and related entertainment industry fields.
- National Association of Negro Musicians (NANM) is a membership organization for African-American music and musicians, performers, educators, students, administrators, and enthusiasts.
- African American Women in Cinema - Founded 22 years ago by producer Terra Renee, the membership organization exists to support the vibrant work of women.
- Black Association of Documentary Filmmakers West - a professional organization providing people of African descent working in documentary film, video or other media the opportunity to network professionally, share resources, exchange ideas and meet socially in order to enhance the development, production, promotion and exhibition of documentaries.
- Cast and Crew of Color - Cast and Crew of Color is an online professional network developed by and for people of color to facilitate collaboration and empowerment.
- Committee of Black Writers at the WGAW - dedicated to empowering and increasing industry visibility of African-American writers and generating more career and networking opportunities.
- Diverse Representation - The mission of Diverse Representation is to increase the exposure and number of African-American agents, attorneys, managers and publicists who work in the sports and entertainment industry.
- The African Artists’ Association--to inspire and facilitate the meaningful creation, dissemination and progression of images and artistic cultural representation of people of African Heritage and the African Diaspora.
- National Association of Black Accountants
The National Association of Black Accountants (NABA, Inc.), is a nonprofit membership association dedicated to bridging the opportunity gap for black professionals in the accounting, finance and related business professions. - National Association of Black Administrative Professionals
The mission of the National Association of Black Administrative Professionals is to build, elevate, and excel the experiences of Black administrative professionals by supporting their career development through programming and collaboration. - National Economic Association
Promotes the professional lives of minorities within the Economics profession - National Sales Network
National Sales Network (NSN) is a 501(c)(3), not-for-profit membership organization whose objective is to meet the professional and developmental needs of sales and sales management professionals and individuals who want to improve their professional sales skills.
- National Black MBA Association (NBMBAA) leads in the creation of educational opportunities and economic growth for African Americans.
- National Forum for Black Public Administrators (NFBPA) is a professional membership organization dedicated to the advancement of black leadership in the public sector.
- National Association of African Americans in Human Resources (NAAAHR) is an inspirational and unique career development and networking powerhouse.
- National Association of Black Accountants (NABA) is the leader in expanding the influence of minority professionals in the fields of accounting and finance.
- National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs (NANBPWC) promotes and protects the interests of African American business and professional women.
- National Association of Securities Professionals (NASP) is the premier non-profit organization for minorities and women in the securities industry.
- Association of African American Financial Advisors --a non-profit membership organization for African American financial advisors and affiliated professionals.
- National Society of Black Certified Public Accountants, Inc. (NSBCPA)-- The mission is to increase the number of Black CPAs by providing the most relevant knowledge, resources, and advocacy; and to promote cultural competence, diversity, and inclusion within the profession.
- Black Culinarian Alliance Empowers people of color across diverse cultures through education, training and mentoring within a mindfulness approach to food, coupled with practical skills in the hospitality & culinary industries, leading to meaningful connections that further a vision of a beloved community.
- National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) provides career development as well as educational and other support to its members worldwide.
- National Black Association of Speech Language and Hearing (NBASLH) is a membership organization representing certified black speech-language and hearing professionals.
- National Black Public Relations Society (NBPRS) is a membership-based organization for black professionals in the public relations, media relations, and corporate communication fields.
- National Alliance of Black School Educators dedicated to improving both the educational experiences and accomplishments of African American youth through the development and use of instructional and motivational methods that increase levels of inspiration, attendance and overall achievement.
- National Association of Black Male Educators Mission is to increase the number of responsible black male educators who succeed at professionally and positively impacting their communities.
- National Alliance of Black School Educators (NABSE) is devoted to the success of the nation’s children, particularly children of African descent.
- American Association of Blacks in Higher Education (AABHE) is a membership-based organization dedicated to serving as the voice for African Americans in higher education.
- National Black Nurses Association
NBNA mission is to provide a forum for collective action by African American nurses to represent and provide a forum for black nurses to advocate for and implement strategies to ensure access to the highest quality of healthcare for persons of color. - National Dental Hygienists’ Association
Addresses the special problems faced by the minority hygienist in the profession as well as unite the limited number of minority dental hygiene practitioners in the United States. - National Medical Association
The collective voice of African American physicians and the leading force for parity and justice in medicine and the elimination of disparities in health. - National Organization of Blacks in Dietetics and Nutrition
A professional organization of nearly 600 African American dietetic and nutrition practitioners as well as members of other ethnic backgrounds committed to our mission. - Association of Black Women Physicians
The Association of Black Women Physicians is an organized network of African-American women physicians committed to the improvement of public health and welfare, through the advancement of knowledge concerning women and the community health. - National Association for Black Veterinarians
Provides a medium for blacks in veterinary medicine to engage with faculty, staff, and students through professional, social, academic and cultural activities.
- Association of Black Cardiologists (ABC) is a membership-based association for physicians, scientists, clinical care associates, cardiologists in training, medical students and more.
- Association of Black Psychologists (ABPsi) promotes and advances the profession of African Psychology.
- Association of Black Sociologists (ABS) is a membership organization for black social science leaders committed to research, teaching, mentoring, service, and social justice.
- National Assocation of Black Physical Therapists (NABPT) is a membership-based organization for African American physical therapists and physical therapy assistants.
Law/Law Enforcement/Public Service
- National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice (NABCJ) is comprised of African Americans in law enforcement, judicial admin, juvenile justice, institution-based corrections, and more.
- National Association of Black Law Enforcement Officers (NABLEO) is a national organization serving as an advocate for the concerns and issues of law enforcement officers of color throughout the United States.
- National Association of Black Narcotics Agents (NABNA) is devoted to furthering the hiring, training, and retention of minority DEA employees.
- National Association of Black Social Workers (NABSW) is committed to enhancing quality of life and empowering people of African ancestry.
- International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters (IABPFF) is dedicated to cultivating and maintaining professional competence and establishing unity among black professional fire fighters.
- National Black Police Association (NBPA) is a national organization is dedicated to promoting justice, fairness, and effectiveness in law enforcement.
- National Black Prosecutors Association (NBPA) is the only professional membership organization dedicated to the advancement of African Americans as prosecutors.
- National Conference of Black Lawyers (NCBL) is an association of lawyers, scholars, judges, legal workers, law students and legal activists.
- National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) represents black chiefs of police, sheriffs, and command level law enforcement agency personnel.
- American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE) ensures the input of African Americans into the discussion and development of energy policies, regulations, R&D technologies and environmental issues.
- National Association of Black Geoscientists (NABG) is a nonprofit organization established to encourage and support African American geoscientists.
- Black Women in Science and Engineering (BWISE) is a membership-based organization for African American females who have degrees in the sciences, math, and engineering.
- Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals (OBAP) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the encouragement and advancement of minorities in all aviation and aerospace careers.
- National Society of Black Physicists (NSBP) promotes the professional well-being of African American physicists and physics students.
Technology and Design
- All Star Code
All Star Code is an organization that gives young, intelligent, driven men of color access to this exciting and dynamic field rooted in black excellence. - Black Data Processing Associates
BDPA has enabled the upward mobility of African Americans and other minorities in the Information Technology (IT) and STEM fields. - Black Girls Code
Girls CODE introduces computer coding lessons to young girls from underrepresented communities in programming languages such as Scratch or Ruby on Rails. - Code2040
Mission is to activate, connect, and mobilize the largest racial equity community in tech to dismantle the structural barriers that prevent the full participation and leadership of Black and Latinx people in the innovation economy. - /dev/color
A community of Black software engineers who helped one another reach ambitious career goals. Since then we’ve helped one another find new jobs, learn new technologies, start companies, and create a sense of belonging in Silicon Valley. - Black Women Talk Tech
Black Women Talk Tech is a collective of black women tech founders who have a unique understanding of the challenges we face and the advantages we bring in the industry. We’re here to identify, support and encourage black women to build the next billion dollar business. - National Society of Black Engineers
National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) is one of the largest student-governed organizations based in the United States. - Organization of Black Designers
A national professional organization of interior, industrial, architectural, fashion and graphic designers dedicated to promoting the visibility, empowerment, education and interaction of its membership and the understanding and value that diverse design perspectives contribute to world culture and commerce.
- Black Data Processing Associates (BDPA) is an organization for black professionals in IT including programmers, analysts, engineers, managers, instructors, and entrepreneurs.
- Blacks in Technologyis a global networking platform that is dedicated to “stomping the divide” for Black people in the tech industry by outlining industry standards for creating a more diverse workplace.
- DigitalUndivided(DID) is an organization focused on fostering more inclusivity in entrepreneurship by empowering Black and Latinx women entrepreneurs.
- National Association of African American Studies (NAAAS) serves as a resource for scholars in the field doing research related to the African and African American experience.
- National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB) the nation’s oldest and most historic black real estate membership-based professional association.
- National Black Coalition of Federal Aviation Employees (NBCFAE) focuses on networking, education, volunteering and leadership through aviation based careers.
- National Black Contractors Association (NBCA) addresses the needs of African Americans in construction, women and other under-represented contractors.
- National Black Farmers Association (NBFA) is a non-profit organization representing African American farmers in the United States.
- National Coalition of Black Meeting Professionals (NCBMP) is a non-profit organization dedicated primarily to the training needs of African American meeting planners.
National Forum for Black Public Administrators (NFBPA) is a professional membership organization dedicated to the advancement of black leadership in the public sector.
Networking and Associations
National Society of Black Engineers – The NSBE is one of the largest student-governed nonprofit organizations in the U.S. Its purpose is to support and promote the aspirations of collegiate and pre-collegiate students and technical professionals in engineering and technology.
National Black Nurses Association – This organization works to provide a forum for black nurses to advocate for and implement strategies to ensure access to the highest quality of healthcare for persons of color.
Blacks In Technology - Blacks In Technology is the largest community and media organization that focuses on black women and black men in the technology industry.
Historically Black Colleges and Universities Network (HBCU) - HBCUs have prevailed into the 21st century, as a nurturing ground for future African-American leaders.
The Association of Black Psychologists - The Association of Black Psychologists was established to promote and advance the profession of African American Psychology, influence and affect social change and develop programs whereby psychologists of African descent can assist in solving problems of Black communities and other ethnic groups.
National Association for African Americans in Human Resources - The NAAAHR is an inspirational and unique career development and networking organization for Black and African American human resources practitioners that provides networking, career opportunities, educational and professional development, mentorship and coaching and tools, tips and resources.
The Executive Leadership Council – This organization is committed to advancing the role and contributions of Black executives and preparing the next general of corporate leaders.
ColorComm - ColorComm is an essential organization for women of color in all areas of communications including Public Relations, Corporate Communications, Advertising Print Media, Broadcast, Digital and more.
First in the Family – You may want to take a look at this website and check out the tips, planning checklists, videos, hard facts and words of inspiration from first generation students who have gone before you.
I’m First! - I’m First! was created by nonprofit Center for Student Opportunity in 2013 to provide students who lack a family history of higher education with inspiration, information, and support on the road to and through college and is now an initiative of Strive for College—a national nonprofit that also runs a national online mentoring program for college-bound students.
American Association of Blacks in Energy - The American Association of Blacks in Energy is a national association of energy professionals founded and dedicated to ensuring the input of African Americans and other minorities into the discussions and developments of energy policies, regulations, R&D technologies and environmental issues.
First Gen Fellows - Here is an incredible listing by state of many nonprofit organizations primarily supporting low income and/or first-generation students.
National Association of Black Accountants - This nonprofit membership association is dedicated to bridging the opportunity gap for people of color in the Accounting, Finance, Consulting, Information Technology and other related business professions.
Black Career Women’s Network – BCWN is a national career development enterprise dedicated to fostering the professional growth of African American women.
National Association of Black Journalists - The organization was founded in 1975 and is comprised of journalists, students and media-related professionals that provide quality programs and services to and advocates on behalf of African-American journalists worldwide.
Startup and Entrepreneurship
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program - The primary remedial goal and objective of the DBE program is to level the playing field by providing small businesses owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals a fair opportunity to compete for federally funded transportation contracts.
Black Girl Ventures – This organization funds and scales those tech-enabled, revenue-generating businesses founded by people who identify as black/brown and women. This is accomplished via coaching, crowdfunding and community.
Black Founders – The mission of this organization is to increase the number of successful black entrepreneurs in technology by developing global programs that equip entrepreneurs, inspire innovation and allow the sharing of resources and knowledge.
National Black Association, Scale Up Pitch Challenge – In support to create and support wealth building opportunities for its members, this Challenge is a pitch competition designed to encourage members to create startups that are scalable. This competition provides the unique opportunity to connect with early state investors and venture capitalists who are ready to invest.
Education and Development
The National Museum of African American History and Culture – For the teacher and educators, the programs and resources available are designed to ignite critical thinking skills and creativity, to generate self-pride and inspire life-long learning for diverse audiences.
Black Past – This is a phenomenal source of information for educators, teachers, students and parents relative to the history of African ancestry around the world. Information in the form of curriculum, study guides, online exploration, events, institutions, documentaries and so much more is available.
HBCU Lifestyle, Your Black College Journey Starts Here - As a prospective student exploring your higher education opportunities, having over 100 HBCU’s to choose from means that you will have access to a variety of degree programs and academic options. Here for your guidance is HBCUs 101.
NY Public Library, Digital Schomburg - Relying on the expertise of distinguished curators and scholars, Digital Schomburg provides access to trusted information, interpretation, and scholarship on the global black experience. Users worldwide can find exhibitions, books, articles, photographs, prints, audio and video streams, and selected external links for research in the history and cultures of the peoples of Africa.
Big Future, College Search – This powerful search index lets you set the diversity parameter in your exploration of colleges and universities.
College Preparation for African American Students – If you don’t mind opening a .pdf file, this is a fantastic document sponsored by CLASP about college readiness for African American students.
Affordable Colleges, HBCU’s - This guide takes a look at the importance of Historically Black Colleges and Universities both in the past and present, as well as where they’re headed in the future.